Alfred Assist

January 15, 2024   

It’s taken a bit longer than expected, but I’m thrilled to finally unveil the latest update to the Focus project. As promised, I’ve transformed the CLI version into an app, making it even more user-friendly for you.

Introducing the new version of Focus, now part of the Alfred Assist app. You can download Alfred Assist HERE, and find setup instructions in the project repo HERE. Once installed, launch the app effortlessly, just like any other Mac application. It will conveniently appear in your upper right menubar.


Quick heads up: during installation or launch, you might receive a notification stating the app can’t be run. No worries—I’ve provided instructions in the repo to address this. Since this is a personal project I’m excited to share, I opted not to invest $100 annually to Apple for code signing. You’ll only encounter this notice once.

This project has been an enlightening and gratefying journey, learning how to package and run a Python app as a native Mac app. I plan to share my insights and the process on the project, so stay tuned for that. Additionally, I’ll continue enhancing Alfred, introducing features like a Pomodoro mode and a Slack integration to manage your status and reply to messages when Focus is enabled. If you have suggestions for more features, feel free to shoot me a message. Until then, enjoy Alfred!